Quotes that Make you think

"The purpose of sociology [psychology or anthropology - really, any social science] is to enable the individual to see the everyday - the ordinary and mundane details of life - in a new way; to challenge, as it were, the perceived notions we hold of the world and the institutions and peoples that inhabit it."

- Peter Berger, Sociologist

Common sense is what tells us the Earth is flat and the Sun goes around it. - Anon.

Kitty Genovese, and The By-Stander Effect - Inquiry Sequence

The Kitty Genovese Story and the Bystander Effect

(An Inquiry Sequence)

Read the article, cut and paste these questions into a Word document and answer the questions below. You should post the last task - to write a paragraph explaining the By-Stander Effect, as a Post - Remember to label it!

1. When, and where, did the event take place?

2. What event prompted the Genovese family to move out of New York?

3. Where in N.Y. did Kitty end up living?

4. What time did she leave work (What job might she have been doing? – take an educated guess)?

5. What did she do to try to avoid her assailant?

6. What happened next?

7. Describe what took place in the Koshkin’s apartment

8. Then what happened?

9. What did Karl Ross do?

10. Did the attacker respond to any of the actions of the observers?

11. Did Moseley’s confessions appear to be true?

12. What did the attacker’s comments suggest about his state of mind?

13. How many people ultimately heard or saw the event?

14. Did any of them do any thing?

15. In total, how long did the event last?

16. In your own words, interpret the failure on the part of her neighbours to intervene

17. What event transformed the public’s attitude towards kitty’s death?

18. In your view, was this tragedy avoidable (explain your answer)?

Now write a paragraph which explains the Bystander Effect, and post your comment.