Quotes that Make you think

"The purpose of sociology [psychology or anthropology - really, any social science] is to enable the individual to see the everyday - the ordinary and mundane details of life - in a new way; to challenge, as it were, the perceived notions we hold of the world and the institutions and peoples that inhabit it."

- Peter Berger, Sociologist

Common sense is what tells us the Earth is flat and the Sun goes around it. - Anon.

Staying Safe Rubric

Rubric For “Staying Safe” (Letter Size Poster)

Level 1   /5
Level 2   /10
Level 3   /15
Level 4   /20

Student demonstrates an understanding of the “Bystander Effect”, and the concept of “diffusion of responsibility”
Demonstrates only a very limited (or no) understanding of the Bystander Effect, etc.
Demonstrates some understanding of the Bystander Effect, etc.
Demonstrates a considerable understanding of the Bystander Effect, etc.
Demonstrates a thorough  understanding of the Bystander Effect, etc.
Student demonstrates ability to conduct research and to locate, select and incorporate appropriate relevant material from a variety of sources (i.e., college web site(s)
Student has made no attempt to secure or process material from any sources, apart from text and classroom discussion
Student has included some material from additional sources
Student has included some material from additional sources and includes it an appropriate manner
Student has included a material from additional sources and included it in an insightful way
Student communicates ideas and information graphically and orally in a clear and effective manner
Student’s poster is put together hastily, lacks clarity and fails to communicate theme adequately
Student’s poster communicates ideas, but presentation, interferes with meaning
Student’s poster communicates clearly and effectively, the need to “Stay Safe”, and addresses the ideas discussed
Student’s poster communicates very clearly and effectively, and demonstrates insight, and a full incorporation of theory discussed
Information contained in the poster is logically consistent with the task at hand; is valid and relevant
Choice of facts/material lacks relevance, ideas not valid
Choice of facts/material demonstrates a degree of logical consistency with regard to assignment
Choice of material/facts are relevant and clearly valid
Choice of material/facts are logical, consistent with task and relevant, wholly appropriate.

Notes: Please print off the rubric, and complete it yourself: Be honest; how do you really think you did?