Rubric For “Staying Safe” (Letter Size Poster)
Criteria | Level 1 /5 | Level 2 /10 | Level 3 /15 | Level 4 /20 | |
Knowledge/Understanding Student demonstrates an understanding of the “Bystander Effect”, and the concept of “diffusion of responsibility” | Demonstrates only a very limited (or no) understanding of the Bystander Effect, etc. | Demonstrates some understanding of the Bystander Effect, etc. | Demonstrates a considerable understanding of the Bystander Effect, etc. | Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the Bystander Effect, etc. | /20 |
Thinking/Inquiry Student demonstrates ability to conduct research and to locate, select and incorporate appropriate relevant material from a variety of sources (i.e., college web site(s) | Student has made no attempt to secure or process material from any sources, apart from text and classroom discussion | Student has included some material from additional sources | Student has included some material from additional sources and includes it an appropriate manner | Student has included a material from additional sources and included it in an insightful way | /20 |
Communication Student communicates ideas and information graphically and orally in a clear and effective manner | Student’s poster is put together hastily, lacks clarity and fails to communicate theme adequately | Student’s poster communicates ideas, but presentation, interferes with meaning | Student’s poster communicates clearly and effectively, the need to “Stay Safe”, and addresses the ideas discussed | Student’s poster communicates very clearly and effectively, and demonstrates insight, and a full incorporation of theory discussed | /20 |
Application Information contained in the poster is logically consistent with the task at hand; is valid and relevant | Choice of facts/material lacks relevance, ideas not valid | Choice of facts/material demonstrates a degree of logical consistency with regard to assignment | Choice of material/facts are relevant and clearly valid | Choice of material/facts are logical, consistent with task and relevant, wholly appropriate. | /20 |
Notes: Please print off the rubric, and complete it yourself: Be honest; how do you really think you did?