Quotes that Make you think

"The purpose of sociology [psychology or anthropology - really, any social science] is to enable the individual to see the everyday - the ordinary and mundane details of life - in a new way; to challenge, as it were, the perceived notions we hold of the world and the institutions and peoples that inhabit it."

- Peter Berger, Sociologist

Common sense is what tells us the Earth is flat and the Sun goes around it. - Anon.

Staying Safe Poster

One of the great challenges all modern universities face is the concept of student (really, community). Every year, even on the most prestigious universities, crimes take place. Most, if not all universities, have police departments, community liaison officers, even students involved in walking others to dorms or classes. Remember, some of the larger universities are like small towns, or even cities. Using what you now know about the By-stander Effect, do the research noted below and complete the task.

To Do:

For homework, your task is to do some research and bookmark (or select as "Favourites") several university websites (which deal with security and safety) for use in designing and producing your poster. You should  also make sure that at some point you refer to the rubric for the assignment; it has been posted in a previous email to this site.

Please find below guidelines for your assignment:

Is Due: Wednesday, Oct 13 at the start of class (you will have the class to post it to the blog) - You will then show it to the class.

Your poster must:

1. A Word Document (or a PDF) only, and be posted to our blog.

2. Refer to a real university, i.e., McMaster, Western, Dalhousie, etc. It doesn't matter which, but pick one that you might like to attend (This is a nice way of doing some research prior to your grad year.).

3. Use various graphics and colours, and be interesting to look at.

4. Include some real information about the university's safety policies, and in some way inform students about the area, and the environment in which the campus is located.

5. In some way, include a reference to the By-Stander Effect, either as advice, a kind of slogan or in some other way (make sure your definition is correct.)

6. Be on Letter-Size paper (8 x 11)

I've included three links to University Police Departments

(This link is to the McMaster Security site, and also has some really useful information. The Crime Prevention Tab has some useful info.)

(This site is the University of Western Ontario's Community Police Service, which also has some excellent links on "Being Aware," a Campus Safety map and so on.)

(On this site you might want to refer to the "Safety and Security To-Do List" located on a tab on the left-hand side of the page. There is also a "Playing it Safe" booklet on one of the upper centre tabs.)